UPR 15-CNRS - Universite P. et M. Curie, Tour 22 E5
4, place Jussieu 75252 Paris cedex 05 - France.
Photovoltaic performances of heterostructures based on
photoelectrochemically textured macroporous n type silicon in contact with
a sprayed transparent, conductive oxide (TCO = SnO2) are
limited by three main factors : (i) the deposition process must be carried out
at a temperature lower than 400 C to keep a high energy barrier ; (ii) the
contacting SnO2 layer must be undoped for the same reason
; (iii) as a metallic grid is unefficient on top of a macroporous structure, the
current collection has to be achieved thanks to a TCO overlayer with a
resistivity as low as possible [1]. From a more general point of view, there
is an interest to realize highly conductive TCO layers for electrochemical or
solid state applications, at relatively low temperatures and by a low cost
Antimony doping produces badly conductive tin oxide layers with a
resistivity of the order of 10-2 W.cm at 400 C, increasing up
to 1 W.cm around 350 C. From this point of view, fluorine doping is much more
attractive. Using a standard spray solution (SnCl4 0.2M /
CH3OH + NH4F ; F/Sn=70%) optimized for
a deposition temperature of 500 C, resistivity of 5-8 x10-3
W.cm can be obtained around 380 C. This is about one order of magnitude
below the best resistivity values we obtain at 500 C (i.e. 4
x10-4 W.cm). Physical properties of sprayed
SnO2 : F (FTO) films are sensitive to any change of the
cross-linked process parameters, mainly the deposition temperature, the
composition, the solution and gas fluxes, the geometry of the deposition
chamber, the exhaust of reaction products...
Keeping in mind that the film growth is depending on a lot of coupled
experimental factors, it is worthwhile to compare our present know-how to the
existing literature data on low-temperature sprayed SnO2 films.
Figure 1 shows the results taken out from references [2] and [3]. It is clear that
increasing the F/Sn ratio tends to decrease the film resistivity, but with a visible
saturation effect depending on the deposition temperature. At our knowledge,
the data issued from reference [3], corresponding to very large F/Sn ratios,
exhibit the lowest resistivity values never obtained for FTO sprayed films and
constitute a real challenge for people working in this field. It appears that
particular experimental conditions were found to improve the incorporation of
fluorine and chlorine atoms as donor centres, reaching carrier density as large
as 3 x1021 cm-3, to be compared with 4
x1020 cm-3 for F / Sn=70% in our standard
conditions. Starting with SnCl4 and NH4F as
precursors leads to a competitive doping by Cl and F, strongly enhanced when
the deposition temperature is decreased below 400 C [4]. AES and SIMMS
studies showed that the F/Sn and Cl/Sn ratios in the films increased
correlatively with the increase of the F/Sn ratio in solution [2]. From our
experience, the ratio F/Sn is an important factor to lower the FTO resistivity at
low deposition temperature but not the only determining one.
For instance, with a TCO overlayer of resistivity 10-3
W.cm deposited at 380 C, we currently obtain for a flat-mirror
Si(100)/SnO2 cell : Isc = 22
mA.cm-2 ; Voc = 560 mV ; fill factor = 0.52
for a current collection by a dot of 3 mm2 and a diode area of
64 mm2.
Fig.1 : Resistivity of FTO
deposited at various temperatures with respect to the F/Sn atomic ratio in the
spray solution, for doping with NH4F [2,3] and
SnF2 [5]. The arrows represent our best resistivity values
Another way recently explored was to consider a single precursor for tin and fluorine. Thus, using SnF2/CH3OH solutions (F/Sn = 200%), FTO films with a resitivity of 6.10-4 W.cm were realized in the deposition temperature range 350-400 C [5]. For the moment, we are able to reproduce these values, but at higher temperatures and a further optimization work is needed. Interestingly, when starting from fluorine-rich precursors, as SnF2 in CH3OH solution, sprayed around 400 C, it is possible to obtain yellow-colored FTO layers. These layers present a high dc resistivity (0.01 to 1 W.cm). The F/Sn ratio inside the film was found high (10 to 20% as determined by Nuclear Reaction Analysis) with a constant profile. RHEED observations show that these FTO layers are constituted by very small grains (grain size < 10 nm). A strong near infrared absorption was observed, indicating that the SnO2 grains are conductive by fluorine doping, with a carrier density of 6.1019 cm-3, as deduced from the plasma frequency. This class of FTO material can be considered as a dispersion of SnO2 conductive nanocrystallites embedded in an intergranular, badly conductive, -Sn-F-Sn-F- matrix.
[1] | H. Cachet, J. Bruneaux, G. Folcher, C. Lévy-Clément, C. Vard and M. Neumann-Spallart, Solar Energy Mater. Solar Cells, 46 (1997) 101-114. |
[2] | M. Fantini, I. Torriani, Thin Solid Films, 138 (1986) 255-265. |
[3] | C. Agashe, M.G. Takwale, B.R. Marathe and V.G. Bhide, Solar Energy Mater., 17 (1988) 99-117. |
[4] | I. Chambouleyron, C. Constantino, M. Fantini and M. Farias, Solar Energy Mater., 9 (1983) 127-138. |
[5] | G.C. Morris and A.E. Mc Elnea, Appl. Surf. Sci., 92 (1996) 167-170. |